Everyone is men, for whom it is important quality of sexual life, be sure to have a clear vision of an idealized penis. You want to detail may vary, but the huge size of the remains is given priority, or all. Small length and girth of the masculine dignity has become a big of the reason is the complexes and obsessions thoughts on how to increase your penis at home. Why exactly home is? So intimacy problems is not the custom to publish, moreover, if it is possible to solve them independently, without attracting third parties — why not try?
Increase penis at home is real or myth?
The smallest member of the meet far from all, and should not be taken if the problem only "skill immunity, enjoy". On how to increase the home member does not make sense to ask whether anyone has received — most refers to such anomalies skeptical. But skepticism in vain — scientific progress leads to becoming a more effective ways and methods to increase the member's home. Is enrolled in practically no muscle, and "it works" this is a hydraulic principle. The ability to stretch and the change in volume under pressure creates opportunities for penis elongation.
Rumor has it that only 2 months to satisfy using is a very narrow hole in the male reproductive organ may be reduced. Such a claim is unlikely, honestly, but changing the size of the big half of exactly does not sell. The systematic execution of activities, in particular, special exercises, effective tools and proven resources already will soon let you self answer the question, is it possible to increase members in the home. And the answer is yes, but only with the right approach.
On the internet we meet a lot of articles on how to increase your penis at home the most popular tools and techniques. However, the effectiveness of alternative medicine is questionable, although the reviews are some men, did not dare to kohtla - "old" experiments, talking about the positive result.
Bicarbonate of sodium
Some put compresses soda and honey, others make a bath of soda ash solution and sodas cleaning. Also the soda can be taken orally. Efficiency is not proven and is quite questionable.
Cooking with herbs
Used the broth wormwood, also you can prepare a garlic infusion (200 g of garlic, 250 ml of alcohol of good quality), infusion with thyme (100 g in 300 ml of boiling water).
One of the well-known folk ways — lubricate the penis body to the aloe, squeezed out of the "adult" pages (should be cut if the roots). Alternative — tincture hevoskastanja, you can prepare yourself or buy in the ordinary pharmacy. The infusion of the root of ginseng and ginkgo leaf and hawthorn berries — are also on the list of instruments unconventional "medicine".
If the people means you act at your own risk. Using a variety of methods for penis homemade, man must understand that it is really a work of reference need to be confirmed by research and proven scientific level.
Creams, gels, tablets
Special gels, creams, aerosols, tablets and complements the growth male body is dubious effectiveness and impact rather than the quality of the sexual life of men, how long this "appliance". The only natural way it is possible to achieve the extension member, stimulating tissue growth and cell division.
So that such tools and medications show effectiveness only when used to "pair" with other methods, which really give the result, confirmed research and real-life experience with men.
Exercises jelqing (jelq)
The method of penis extension body jelqing came to us in the Middle East. Few know, but the fact is that old arab with the methodology, which is the manipulation of the sexually body, which is similar to milking. The distinction between dry, wet jelq, and with packing. In all cases, the cut of men's body with his hands.
Variations of similar exercises is a lot, but "secret" formulas or universal program does not exist. Select the program to be an individual and stop precisely to adjust, which shows the efficiency in your case. The body's reaction, when different loads — the main landmark.
Originally the deal jelqing to be semi-erection and then to increase the intensity of training at the expense of the erect state. To grow self self-discipline, make such exercises on a regular basis and observe a slow increment.
How will the whole process:
- processed skin with fat (true beginners);
- then, create a ring of index and thumb at the base;
- the tight circumference of the members of the OK-fisting;
- pinch off the shaft of the penis and drive the blood towards the head;
- if the hand fits on the head, the other hand make OK-acumen at the base. The first hand has reached the head available, the other begins to move.
One approach should last about 10 minutes and consists of nearly 250 iterations. Generally, classes last for about 40 minutes a day, and this time not only the jelq, but other exercises more diverse load. Growth is noticeable, not far from now, that it is necessary to adapt yourself to the unfailing work is already several months and even years.
How homemade are penis to increase, without the painful sensation, if the aid jelqing? In order to avoid pain and injury, keep a record of the average tempo and rhythm, start with wet jelqing. Later, 6-8 weeks of regular workouts is to build the erection of new classes of about 50-70%. Jelqing perfectly combined with stretching.
Take a look at some of the additional technician jelqing.
Indirect impact on the head. We put the index finger and thumb, and the slow movement directly to the blood in the head, where it should be to postpone the arm for about ten seconds.
Reverse jelq
Using a single hand to the body obkladyvaetsja at the base, the other — around the head. Further pulling on the erect body of the base. And so 30 reps.
In addition, the possibility to extend your "device", in which the performance of different techniques of exercises can be observed in the following improvements:
- better blood flow to the penis;
- more hard and better erection;
- eliminate premature ejaculation;
- increase sexual stamina;
- advanced control erections.
Forums and blogs are writing about how you can increase the member home conditions up to 5 centimeters long and up to 3 — extent: "the performance of the various technician jelqing and intimate massage of the need for a systematic and discipline". Of course, these values are individual in nature, and here is a record of indicators (perhaps overpriced — men love to exaggerate). But, at least, every day is a long massage helps to significantly improve sexual life of men.
All manipulations are done only with hands. Your goal — to correctly the movement, starting with slow effort. Sensitive reaction of the penis head to the only time, in the wrong, too intense voltage.
Jai-pulling — the voltage of a member on more than 2 seconds (stretched upper garter penis and PC muscle), assuming that the alternate weakening of 2 seconds. Perform 20 repetitions, the level of erection is in the range of 0 to 40%. During exercise — about 5 minutes or a specified number of approaches. Answers on how to increase your penis at home using stretch marks users forums recommend the combined technique for airway practitioners.
The main complex of (A, V and inverted V-cuts) involves the capture of the trunk of the penis in any part (but not head), mild stretching forward beneath the stretched position by the minute. Restore blood flow occurred due to the Pat penis leg. Stretch the sexual body in different directions for 30 seconds.
Like other techniques of exercises and massage, time months of workouts can be tracked with little a result of increasing the reproductive body. More positive change is the the sexual life men.
Hanging up
The suspension of the goods at the men's body gives a significant impact compared to the exercises and techniques in the manual type, but, on the other hand, is the probability of injury to the penis. Do not pay to hang too big a load, pay attention to the design of the hague on the head — it should not be traumatic. Short period of wearing in no event shall the payment to compensate the greater load.
There are specially factory-made model, neck — hangery useful weighs around 1.25 kg and the vacuum confirmation. It is precisely these experts recommend the use of suspensions. The head is fixed handy camera, all risks has led to virtually zero.
Another way to increase your penis at home without creams, manual operations and transactions, the use of pumps. The main their purpose — to create a good erection, but it must be remembered, that the long-term presence in the penis in a vacuum caused by the skin and strong oedema.
Hydropumbads, unlike conventional pumps, does not allow contact with the skin of the vacuum, so that lead to increase and more lasting stretching of the tissues. Warm water is absolutely warms the tissues and promotes better elasticity. Hydropumbadja can give a temporary result (allows to increase the penis 10-15% of it right before sex) or to confirm it by using the add as extensions.
Application hydropumbads separately gives a small, slow growth penis girth and length, and the first results (provided that daily exercise duration of 20 minutes) only visible in later 3-4 months. Possible side effects or negative results.
Home way to lengthen men's penile body, the effectiveness of which has been proven in many scientific, — use the extender. In addition to increasing the penis such a device allows to determine the curvature of the. During the hours of wearing the extender the penis tissue stretched and grow, get rid in the tensions. So the application of the extender allows the men get some extra inches of of life.
That wait for the results? It directly depends on your body's peculiarities, regularity and all the time wearing. Over the past 10 years has conducted a myriad of studies, demonstrated one application of the extensions.
The survey on Levine 2008. year the Aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the traction — stretching members of the extender, the process of treatment peyronie in the disease. 6 months is derived from the straightening of the 33°, as well as have interviewed found to increase the penis length is 1-2,5 cm, circumference — 0,5–1 see
Study on Gontero 2009, the Stretching of the traction apparatus with 5 hours per day over 6 months showed the straightening of the members of 27-31°, with elongation of 1.7 see Later than 12 months after the start of the study showed that the results obtained were and were located.
2010. a. D. Gontero takes a total of 11 research, as part of, that was proven to increase men's penile body through the use of extensions, and confirm their performance.
Study on Nimobuhita 2011. in Patients using the extender is more than 4-6 hours per day throughout the first two weeks of the period. After the end of the 3-th month of the daily time of wearing was 9 hours. Managed to increase the penis length is an average of 1.7 see
Study on Moncada 2019 year Is the most you examine all of the and this is done until this moment. The number of test — 93, the period — 12 weeks. Obtained by straightening an average of 31,2°, extension — 1.8 cm (maximum score — 3 cm).
After 6-8 months of active operation of the extender is able to achieve:
- to increase the length;
- thicker penis (increase in girth);
- to raise the libido;
- extend the time of intercourse.
If you use the devices 'strap attachment also increases the foreskin (can be used in order that its extension, when it is needed).
How to increase your penis at home if the aid extender, if you have not yet ever made use of as a technique? To start it is important to go through the program to adapt to the load. The first one and a half month period must be increase the daily wearing time one hour before six, and the strength of the tension — 200 g up to 1150 a. in the early stages may not use weapons of mass destruction, and here to introduce the stretcher or kheng printer (op) saab.
One cycle of wearing the extender must last at least 60 minutes but not more than 3 hours, after which you want the break to restore circulation. To get a good result, is all the time wearing must be at least 6 hours per day, and the cycles do not have to be long, but more than one approach, the better (one set — no more than 3 hours). Allowed the rare gaps, although the recommended every day workout.
Why increase penis homemade extender is possible and safe? Many other methodologies that can be used in the comfort of your own home, the application extender is different is that it does not belong to pseudoscientific or in folk medicine. The effectiveness of this option is also confirmed by the no comments, participants, or bloggers, and pretty studies, which involved thousands of men. The use of such a device does not cause complications, does not damage blood vessels, may be completely comfortable and painless, of course, if you choose the "right" extender. The heel can be unnoticed, being at work, on the highway, traveling, engaging in daily chores. This is one of the few non-surgical methods that can provide real results instead of vain expectation. Most importantly — ensure that no individual contraindications.
The result of no chance more reliable?
Using gels, creams, special food, dietary Supplements and pills, it is possible to achieve clitoral blood flow, improve erectile to prolong the intimate act, and generally to better self-control during sex. Such methods penis at home is to create quickly conditions for growth than to stimulate it.
Training in the use of special exercises complex types of massage, regular jelqing and suspension, can be expected to increase the length and girth of your penis, but quite slow.
However, how to enlarge penis at home and get permanent result without any negative consequences? Experts and doctors-andrologists recommend the use of high quality as the extensions of the pair with the stretches and to complement and embed the result — using the pump and hydropumbads as accessories. And only in extreme cases should be used for surgical intervention.